ABug North - January 2025

By Colin Hoad | Jan 14, 2025

A short report on my time at ABug North, January 2025! My second in-person ABug, but the first one up north! It was, as always, an absolute pleasure, and although I didn't manage to film everything I saw and did, hopefully this gives a taster of what the event was like. Big thanks to Dave 'Arcadian' Moore and Daniel J for their help organising and running the event, and to all the wonderful attendees for making it so enjoyable. Special thanks, of course, to Kevin Edwards for signing my copy of Galaforce!

If you want to try out Nightowl BBS, check out the following thread on Stardot here: https://www.stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=27446

If you haven't got a Beeb with a wifi modem, you can still connect directly in your browser: http://fish.ccl4.org/js-nightowl/

Note that Nightowl is usually only online during the evenings (UK time)